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北京驴友2021-05-17 14:37 作者:北京松鼠户外



1.我的梦想是去月球旅行 英语作文100字

This evening, my last record net, suddenly emitting a power-Wei Yang a

great story, I suddenly think of the moon, the moon being played on the

interest. I record off the network all at once from the Baidu search for "moon"

all of a sudden out of the dozens of options, I choose what items do? Suddenly a

white flash 。 。

Ah, here is what ah, I looked around, ah, how I see the Milky Way, the Sun,

the Earth, Eh-hem, I put a heavy spray of aldicarb. Ah, ah, how I fly up? I

looked at the ground, ah, the ground uneven, and I recalled the previous text,

oh, this is the moon, how do I come here, I think: Here are Chang and rabbit do

not? I have been flying in the sky, looking for a long time did not find, I want

to: So ah, goddess of the moon and the rabbit are false ah! As to the moon, it

should be in this Liugejinian, for example: to write in this sentence: "John

just in this tour, "or take a stone, a soil.

Hard to say a pound, I managed to fly down, but falling into a "volcano" on

Kazakhstan, but I accidentally found a Siyu non jade rabbit, is exactly the

same: a blessing in disguise.

I have in a flat place with a "rabbit tail" wrote "Yonggang in this tour,"

a word.

Haha, you're done 。


Georges day out to the moon

George has always had a wish to fly to the moon in a big red spaceship … and one fine sunny day George was sat in the garden thinking about the day ahead

As if from nowhere three little blue creatures who had big green eyes on the tops of there heads and was wearing shiny silver coats walked up next to him he looked rubbed his eyes looked again, and they started to talk!!!!

“Hello we are Froobley Moonbies from outer space “And This is my friend Clever froob ,and this my other friend not so clever froob!And im the ship captain, captain moon! ,we have come to grant you your wish to fly to the moon!” The little alien said.

George looked in amazement and said “you can talk!!” “And how do you know I want to go to the moon” George said.

moon” George said.

“We know all you always look out your window every night wanting to go to the moon so here we are, come on then no time to waste!! Lets go!!” And George got up and went to the bottom of the garden only to see a tiny red space ship “ And just how will I fit in that!” George said “easy we have a special tool called a shrinkerpinker”

clever Moonbie said


George was now shrunk and everything looked so big to him!

In no time the little red spaceship now looked huge with 6 big engines with steam coming from them. “wow!“

George said as he got aboard the big red spaceship. Buckle up and get ready for take off. 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 blastoff!!! George could not believe it he was a


本文关键词: in  is  the 



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