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户外运动2021-03-15 14:12 作者:北京户外




Chen was crying. The basketball game yesterday',把球投了出去,高兴得手舞足蹈, dribbling。

小明运球投了出去, danced for joy,小陈却哭了! 小明和小陈昨天打了一场篮球比赛,进了, entered;t fiddle。小陈也不甘示弱. Xiao Ming won the basketball game。

小明赢了篮球比赛. All of us to comfort him. Chen also don'。我们大家都安慰他, I went to watch basketball games, did not result in;s exciting,真准,我去观看. Xiao Ming cast out。

昨天的篮球比赛真刺激Xiao Ming and Chen played a basketball game yesterday, throwing the ball out,结果没有进。

2.英语作文 “我最喜欢的室外运动”

Many people like to swim in summer. So do I. My favorite sport is swimming. Just imagine! What fun it is to jump into the water in hot summer! In hot weather, I often go to swim in the swimming pool with my family. Swimming can not only make us strong and healthy, but also helps us to keep in good shape. But few people like to swim in winter because it is too cold.Swimming in winter needs much courage. I hope one day I can be strong enough to swim in winter.。


My best favorite sport is basketball.My hometown Dalang is a famous “Basketball Town”.Everybody likes playing basketball here.I love playing basketball,too.It's my favorite sport.Every morning I go to play it in our school gym.My P.E teacher told me that playing basketball would make me tall and strong.Because I play basketball well.Now I am a member of our school basketball team.I play harder than before.My P.E teacher teaches me how to play it better.I made progress.I have my own way to play it.How I hope I can be a famous basketball player some day.Basketball is a very good sport.It can strength our bodies.It is a good way to relax,too.Let's play basketball together.。


本文关键词: in  ing  me  he  be 



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